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Tuesday 28 January 2014


Hewwo meh little fans,

OKAY so I just made a new g mail account, what is:
Cookieh Monsterh
That account is the one I'm going to post my YouTube videos, posts and stuff what people do.
Please subscribe me!
...Thank you so much for helping me to level 15!
LEVEL 15.!! (:
Okay, I guess you had enough of me bragging.
Lillz xxx
PS Check meh bloggie xxxxxxx

Sunday 19 January 2014

#New Hacker?!

So me and Pixie Pie! was just on MovieStarPlanet like normal when Pixie Pie! came across something....
Like a Hacker...
Yep, it was a Hacker!
Here is some screen shots:

Shes called:
Nothings Safe When You Meet Me.
OKAY, First thing is BLOCK her!!!!!!!!
Like i did ^.^
Hope You found this helpful xx
Lilly xx

Saturday 18 January 2014


Hey Guys...

Sorry Haven't Been On For ALONG Time.
I Gotta Ask You A Question.
Did Ya Miss Me?!
I Missed You Guys ;D
What Was I Gunna Say?
Oh Yea.
Its Epic, Who Would Imagine That I Would Level Up.
Not Me, Lol.
I Was Level 9...Now Im Levl 14!
Okay, I'll Try To Get In A Habbiet Do A Blog ;D
For Yoooouuuu xx
Guys, Ilysm (I Love You So Much)
Lillz xx

Wednesday 1 January 2014


Hey Guys!

Ooo Pink lol.
Ok, so I got this Amazing frined called
<3 Alura <3
High and Low Levles dont really matter it depands on the attuide and friendship what they got in them.
But for this occasion it does ;D
Shes level 2 and, as I'm a nice person, I want
to help her level up.
Shes really pretty, nice, and a good friend. I need your help. Please.
Send her autos, love her ArtBooks, Love her Looks, room and make her star in your movies.
Then....Who ever helps the most will win two Gifts and a Wishy (from me!)
Love Lots,
Lilly x


Hey My Little Cookies!

OK, OK, I havnt been on for a while because I was to busy on MovieStarPlanet. I just recived and EPIC gift from: ''lily1234567890123''
Guess what that was?
You say I pineapple.
I'm just so gratefull! She said she will wait up for me until I get to Level 9 so we can race.
I'm past half way. Anywayz.
Please help her too, and me. Haha.
You: In yo dreams.
Also Help: 'WishMeLuck' to the next level aswell. She is such a great frined, I'm begging you help all of thme (me included ;D)
Happppppyyyyy Newwwww Yeeeeaaarrrr!
A bit to late ;D
Lilly ;* xx